What do the different colors of orbs mean?
Orbs of light, or energy orbs, often appear in photographs, on videos, and even floating across our living room before our very eyes. They seem to come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
Most orbs appear to be white, but some orbs are pink, purple, blue, green, etc., or even multi-colored. It is common for orbs to display an aura. So, a white orb may have a blue aura, or a pink orb may have a red aura, and so forth. (It is relatively uncommon to see grey or black orbs, although they certainly exist.)
All living beings have auras of various colors that depict their personality, state of mind, health, traumas, etc. Assuming that the little floating spheres of light are conscious or sentient beings, could it be possible that orb colors, and their aura colors, also represent the entity’s personality, emotional state, intention, etc? Many experts believe so.
Each color represents an emotion or state of being.
These suggested meanings are a compiled consensus of several different color interpretations. Although they are generally accurate, additional research is needed to verify their meanings, and it must be noted that each is open to individual interpretation.
Scarlet Red - Strong willpower, over-inflated ego, pompous, survival oriented, realistic
Dark Red - Anger, pain, psychological impairment
Deep Red - Short-tempered, stress, restlessness
Vermilion (Clear Red) - Creative, powerful, energetic, competitive, passionate
Light Pink - Sensitive, compassionate, affectionate, true love, openness
Salmon Pink - Immature, dishonest
Orange-Red - Confident, healing energy
Orange - Strong motivation, healthy, adventurous, courageous, outgoing
Peach - Caring communicator, ability to comfort
Amber - Strong and courageous
Orange-Yellow - Optimistic, scientific, intelligent, perfectionist
Pale Yellow - Shyness, optimistic, hopeful
Lemon Yellow - Strength of direction, fearful of loss
Yellow - Caution, warning
Buttercup - Focused on a course of action (determined), inspired
Mustard - Manipulative, overly analytical, making up for lost time
Gold- Higher level of consciousness, wise, protective, enlightened, tolerance, free-flowing energy
Apple Green - Friendly, communicative
Yellow-Green - Liar, cheater, dishonesty
Olive Green - Miserly, Scrooge-like
Emerald Green - Healer, teacher, love-centered person, fertility
Forest Green - Jealous, low self-esteem, overly sensitive
Turquoise - Therapist, communicative, sensitive, amusement, neutrality
Sky Blue (Light) - Strong instinct, intuitive, peaceful, truthful, tranquility
Pilot Light Blue - Shielding, protective
Cobalt Blue - Intuitive in a higher dimension
Royal Blue - Knows their chosen path, generous, highly spiritual
Navy Blue - Shyness, slow yet safe and sure, fearful of truth or being one's self, survival instinct
Indigo - Strong psychic ability, intuitive, deep-feeling
Lavender - Daydreamer, visionary, spiritual peacefulness
Violet - Sensitive, wise, intuitive, idealistic, seeking spirituality
Grape - Laziness
Dark Purple - Stored information
Mauve - Humble
White - Pure, transcendent, often a new un-designated energy, high frequency, protective, shielding
Silver - Linked to spiritual realm, spiritual and physical abundance, nurturing, telekinetic energy
Gray - Feeling trapped
Payne's Gray - Depressed, fearful
Black- Tortured, abused, unreleased grief
Raw Sienna - Poor thinking processes, insecure, stressed
Chocolate Brown - Environmentalist, common sense, connected to the earth
Orb Color Theory
Everything in the universe is composed of energy vibrating at its own rate or frequency. Sight is a visual interpretation of vibration. Each color on the visible light spectrum vibrates at a different rate or frequency. The individual vibration or frequency of each color incites a particular emotion, mood or state of being, and therefore can also represent a particular emotion, mood or state of being. The coordinating moods and meanings of colors were determined ions ago, and this established information is generally used as a basis for interpreting the meanings of the colors of orbs.
The interpretation of the meanings of orb colors relates to orbs that are perceived as conscious, sentient beings. The following chart is a compilation of colored orb meanings as they may relate to an entity’s personality, emotional state, intention, level of development, etc. – as well as the general spiritual hierarchy.
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