Theo is de naam van de groep van 12 aartsengelen waar Sheila mee communiceert. Alles hieronder is in het engels, mijn excuses, het ontbreekt me aan de tijd het te vertalen, maar toch zeker de moeite van het lezen en kijken waard. voor wat betreft het filmpje wil ik waarschuwen voor mensen die nog nooit iemand in trance~channeling hebben zien gaan, het kan best vreemd overkomen de eerste keer.
(Boodschap van THEO)
"To be a miracle worker is your birth right, is it not? It is as the masters have stated, not only Jesus but many masters, that all have the ability to be the master that they are and to create miracles. Ones might think it is arrogant to believe that. It is arrogant not to. For why would you say no to something that is your birth right? Why would you say no to a creator that created you in its likeness? Why would you say no to the masters who have stated yes you can? So be open to all possibilities. The reason ones have stated that they cannot create miracles, that they cannot be in that belief, they have adopted a belief about a society, a religion, a parent, a family member who have stated 'you are not worthy, you are not worth it, you cannot.' Why give your power unto one such as this? Do not relinquish your power for acceptance sake, be the master that you are and the miracles are yours ." -THEO
Sheila in contact met THEO