
2011 Maya Kalender, wat gebeurd er dit jaar?

admin feb 13 '11
Ja lieve Tinne ,

Ik ben er erg druk mee met mijn eigen dingetje ook.
Heb vorige week de laatste inwijdingen gehad van de Munay Ki en door deze inwijdingen kan ik erg veel healen in mijn systeem en dat van mijn voorouders en kinderen...Je kent het wel...
Natalie1986 feb 13 '11
Wat is Munay Ki?
admin feb 13 '11
dit kan je het beste even googelen dan is het veel duidelijker dan ik het kan uitleggen natalie.

In het kort gezegd is het een oude wijsheid en kennis die uit de oude tijd komt en meegenomen is door het maya volk langs vele omzwervingen hebben ze deze kennis bewaard en nu is hij sinds een aantal jaren gegeven aan de westerse mens als een geschenk van deze Queros indianen volk die heel lang verborgen heeft geleefd in de bergen van het andesgebergte
admin feb 13 '11
gast feb 15 '11
Als ik "Maya" hoor moet ik altijd automatisch denken aan de hindoe betekenis van het woord; illusie.
En dat is die eindtijd voor mij ook; het einde van alle illusies.
Mimosa feb 15 '11
Mooi verwoordingen. Zo voel ik het ook.
JulienMoorrees mrt 2 '11
1 10-2-2011
2 2-3-2011
3 22-3-2011
4 11-4-2011
5 1-5-2011
6 21-5-2011
7 10-6-2011
8 30-6-2011
9 20-7-2011
10 9-8-2011
11 29-8-2011
12 18-9-2011
13 8-10-2011
Einde 28-10-2011

De volgende fase is vandaag ingegaan. De nacht van de eerste dag. Viel jullie verschil op?
JulienMoorrees mrt 2 '11
Interessant, er is een update die ik op de mayanmajix site lees:

6) Why does Ian's video presentations differ from Calleman's current theory on the
beginning date of the Universal Cycle (9th Wave of the Mayan calendar)?

The answer is quite simple. During the time frame that Ian gave his Mayan calendar presentations
(2002 - 2005) he used Dr. Calleman's first book as his primary source for the dates of each cycle of the Mayan calendar. At that time, February 11, 2011 was cited as the beginning of the Universal Cycle. Since Ian's passing in 2005, Dr. Calleman has revised / refined his theory which now places the beginning of the Universal Cycle on March 9th, 2011.

Note About the beginning date of the Universal Cycle

"I have probably contributed myself to the confusion that reigns when it comes to the beginning date of the Universal wave movement and have given different times for this. What we know is that the calendar develops according to nine wave movements, where the longest one goes back to the birth of the universe, and they all differ from one another with a factor of twenty. According to such a fractal view of the prophetic Mayan calendar system the ninth wave would then be only 234 days long made up of 13 different uaxaclahunkin (18 day) periods. This places the beginning of the ninth wave at March 9, 2011 and that of the preceding wave (Conscious Convergence) at July 17, 2010. These are points in time that are expected to mark significant frequency increases and accelerations of time.

As we approach the time when all the nine waves, developing at different speeds, will simultaneously come to manifest fully (28 October 2011, 13 Ahau) there is thus going to be quite complex patterns of overlapping of these waves. The Sacred Calendar rounds of 260 days will still have an unquestionable energetic existence and so these, as part of this overlapping, would continue the three stage rocket into the birth of the new world that started on 9.9.9 (Sept 9, 2009, please see http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/999_and_the_mayan_calendar.htm). For this reason the dates of the beginnings of the two next tzolkin rounds, May 27, 2010 and Feb 11, 2011, will also remain as important times for celebrating alignments with the cosmic plan and potentially very important for the preparation for the Conscious Convergence and the actual ninth wave respectively."

Het lijkt dus te beginnen op 9 maart en iedere periode duurt 18 dagen.

De nieuwe tijdslijn is dus nu:

Day 1
Mar 9 – Mar 26 Mar 17-18 seeding
Night 1
Mar 27 –April 13 April 4-5
Day 2
April 14 – May 1 April 22-23 germination
Night 2
May 2 – May 19 May 10-11 reaction
Day 3
May 20 – June 6 May 28-29 sprouting
Night 3
June 7 – June 24 Jun 15-16
Day 4
June 25 – July 12 Jul 3-4 leaf formation
Night 4
July 13 – July 30 Jul 21-22
Day 5
July 31 – Aug 17 Aug 8-9 budding
Night 5
Aug 18 – Sept 4 Aug 26-27 destruction
Day 6
Sept 5 – Sept 22 Sept 13-14 flowering
Night 6
Sept 23 – Oct 10 Oct 1-2
Day 7
Oct 11 – Oct 28 Oct 19-20 fruition
Beschermengel mrt 10 '11

Het aanbreken van de 9e golf

JulienMoorrees mrt 14 '11
Trecenas are thirteen-day periods in the Tzolkin. Each Trecena starts with the Number 1, but with a different Day Glyph. As a wave of the Thirteen Heavens, the underlying energy is governed by the First Day Glyph of the Trecena and influences all thirteen successive Day Glyphs. Being aware of the predominant energy of the First Day of the Trecena, we can align our intentions with that energy and allow our goals to manifest.

This Trecena starts with 1 Manik (Deer/Healing Hand) - instinctual, intuitive, ritual dance, stabilizes
the four directions, purifies spirit to rise above limitations.

Deer energy represents the aspect of spiritual leadership, a day that opens a portal for all to express the holiness and sanctity of life. Many shamanic rituals were performed on Deer Days giving thanks to the Ancestors. Shamans themselves were initiated on the most sacred day of all, 8 Deer. The Deer
Dance Festival was an ancient ritual dance performed annually. It is still performed today by many native cultures and symbolizes equality and balance between man and nature, hunter and hunted, the sacred rhythm of the cosmic dance.

Deer energy is the silence of all that has gone before and all that will happen in the future reflected in the eyes of the deer. The glyph itself shows a healing hand. One interpretation is that the hand is holding the spark of life, the thread that connects our past and future with our present moment.

The energy of the Deer uplifts our spirit to rise above our worldly limitations. This can be an empowering time to speak freely about strongly held beliefs for the good of the community, family and/or self. This is especially important at this time because of the shift which Earth is presently experiencing. No longer can things remain the same with the same paradigms controlling events. Now is the time for change and now is the time for that change to be oriented toward the good of humanity (not corporations). (nims: Aardbeving japan? Tsunami?) Let’s look to our ancestors for the knowledge and wisdom needed in the present moment to visualize and dream a new future. This is especially pertinent now because of the situation in the Gulf of Mexico . Individually, we can pray for and envision an end to the toxic flow. This universal deer/healing energy can be directed by our heart to heal the collective wound and bring back the abundant fish and wildlife.

Another representation of the Trecena is that of a creative wave beginning at 1 and ending at 13, with the numbers 6, 7 and 8 representing the crest of the wave. The crest could be interpreted as a strong influential energy, although the underlying influence on the Trecena would still rest in the
beginning. Deer energy underlies (or influences) the days of 6 Eb, the ladder or pyramid of the Road of Life; 7 Ben, the pillar or World Tree, source of all inner power; and 8 Ix, the Jaguar, Lord of Darkness, who rules the Underworld or our shadow selves, and also the Lord of four-legged animals. The sacred protection and groundedness of Deer energy provides an opportunity to travel our spiritual path of inner exploration without fear. We are then free to express our heart-felt beliefs for the good of humanity.

As we journey through each day of this Trecena:
1 Deer (Manik) March 9, 2011
2 Star (Lamat) March 10
3 Offering (Muluc) March 11
4 Dog (Oc) March 12
5 Monkey (Chuen) March 13
6 Road (Eb) March 14
7 Reed (Ben) March 15
8 Jaguar (Ix) March 16
9 Eagle (Men) March 17
10 Wisdom (Cib) March 18
11 Earth (Caban) March 19
12 Flint (Etznab) March 20
13 Storm (Cauac) March 21

Utilize the sacred energy of Deer to connect with your spirituality. This is a great time to perform ceremony, ritual and dance giving thanks to the Ancestors for the gift of life and for the opportunity to live a new future on earth through expressions of love and peace.

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