Ik kwam vandaag op Facebook een tekst tegen waarin werd verteld over een onderzoek waarin men had gevonden dat er in ons brein kristal zit. Met kristal kunnen we ontvangen en zenden zoals een mobiele telefoon dat ongeveer doet. Het is niet zo gek om dan even verder te denken en te veronderstellen dat multidimensionaliteit op deze manier geschied, net zoals telepathie en andere paranormale gaven die mensen hebben.
Ik heb de hele tekst die ik gevonden heb hieronder geplaatst in het engels, de vertaling via google moet ik nog even regelen.
Telepathy & the Gifts of the Spiritdoor The Awakening op vrijdag 22 oktober 2010 om 21:11
Professor Sidney B. Lang, of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, and Drs. Simon Baconnier and Rene de Seze of the National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks in France, have recently discovered the presence of new micro-Crystals that are forming in our pineal gland. This is a process mainstream science is calling biomineralization.
These scientists have docu-mented that the micro-Crystals have piezo-electric properties with excitability in the frequency range of mobile telecommunications.
They theorize that the interaction of these Crystals with Global System for Mobile Telecommunications (GSM) waves could con-stitute a new mechanism of transduction on the pineal membrane. GSM is a digital technology that enables up to eight telephone conversations to be held on the same channel, simultaneously.
Modern science has labeled the cerebrum of our brain ‘the sleeping giant’. But the cerebrum is actually the centre of electro-magnetic resonating power. It is through this centre that all spiritual awareness occurs.
Furthermore, as the master control center in the brain, the pituitary gland is our negative contact point. It acts as a receiver, which enables information to be placed in the cerebrum. The pineal gland is our positive contact point. It acts as a neuro-endocrine transducer, which transmits information as signals that direct the pituitary gland by way of the hypothalamus gland.
The cerebral cortex gathers information for our various levels of communication. Within it are cells with the ability to convert electro-magnetic frequencies into electrical currents. In other words, they function as liquid Crystals. As a result, if we ‘still’ the cerebral cortex, we can use telepathy to connect with the higher dimensions of consciousness.
The human body is literally a gigantic liquid Crystal.
Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD
In Hindu traditions, the pineal gland is associated with our extra-sensory third ‘eye’ through which per-ception of the world is not limited to the physical senses.
The activation of these Crystals in our pineal gland is advancing us toward our multi-dimensional aware-ness and telepathic abilities. It is the next step in our evolution.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. Matthew 7:18-20
When God’s cosmic energy collides with the current Earth grid, it is absorbed by our pineal gland in such a way as to create the illusion of linear Time and Space – a 3D reality. But the new Earth grid, which will be activated in 2012, will allow our brains to absorb at least two more octaves of these Light waves through our pineal gland. A new receptor will then grow in order to accommodate for the added Light waves. This will produce an additional dimensional experience and dramatically transform our reality.
The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them. 1 Corinthians 2:14
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