Omdat ik het gevoel heb dat mensen hier wel wat aan hebben

Het is een bericht van begin 2010, auteur Kelley Rosano. Nog altijd actueel als ik dit zo lees...
Liefs the Moon
It always fascinates me to see what brings people together. Why are we drawn into relationships that have a certain destiny? Astrology reveals our psychology, spirituality, evolution, and astrology tells the story about karma and past lives, why we are attracted to specific people, our personal past-life patterns (personality and behavior) are being acted out in the here and now. In other words, time is an illusion your past and future lives are running simultaneously in the present. As an astrological intuitive, I see that no two people have identical astrology or past life history, not even twin flames.
What is a twin flame you may ask?
The term most often has been confused with that of soul mates the two are distinctly different. The greatest love story ever told is the one you have with your very own beloved twin flame. In the beginning we were created in God (Alpha and Omega) in an ovoid white-fire-spirit-light, the soul was split just like the atom (Adam Kadman) into two identical parts (twin flames) each with the same identical soul blueprint. The tai-chi is a symbol of twin flames. Twin flames in love spiraling in infinity.
Twin Flames in Love
Somewhere in cosmos, each one of us has our very own divine other, who carries either the feminine or masculine polarity. This soul memory of our twin flame is so powerful, that we can feel very alone in this world, as we search for that promise of that original perfect love, the twin. No other love can compare to your own twin flame. Twin flames throughout history and literature are seen as tragic love stories i.e., Cleopatra and Mark Anthony, Samson and Delilah. The dark forces of anti-love run rampant on planet earth, working to sabotage twin flames and keep them apart. Often twin flames do not have enough Self-mastery to maintain a healthy partnership. Thus, they seek solace with the next best alternative a soul mate.
Soul Mates Passionate Friends of Old
Soul mates and karmic relationships are the other two positions of partnership. Soul mates can create very happy marriages as they are working on similar soul initiations, life lessons, and projects in this life. Soul mates have been friends for lifetimes and may need each other in this life to satisfy a mission or complete a work. They may not experience the incredible, all-consuming, intense love dynamic as twin flames. Soul mates come in all shapes and sizes and as best friends. I find the very best marriages to be between soul mates they work very harmoniously together in business, raising children and contributing to the community. Soul mates make us feel happier, stronger and richer. President Barak and First Lady Michele Obama are an example of soul mates with a powerful mission.
Karmic Relationships
Karmic relationships are often confused with that of twin flames because they have the same intense attraction and emotional charge. I can’t get you out of my head thing, mental obsession. My body will not stop desiring you, the compulsive sexual attraction. In truth, these are often symptoms of a tragic past life experience from a prior life. Your soul is offering you as a warning Not a green light to get involved. Yet, people often ignore or mistake their Inner Being voice and jump in full speed ahead, only to become hurt, defeated and lost. Karmic relationships are where either the person owes you a karmic-debt or you owe them from a former life. The liaison ends when the debt is paid or when Spirit determines the time of opportunity to play the relationship out is up. We are fast approaching the end of karmic relationships in 3D (third dimensional consciousness).
Karmic Entanglements
All relationships are for mutual growth and personal evolution. How can you tell if you are in a karmic relationship? No relationship is perfect, but if you feel like you need therapy as a result of being with this person, then this could be an indicator. Feeling drained emotionally, physically, and financially are all indicators of a karmic entanglement. Are you doing all the giving and your partner is doing all the taking? Look-out it may be a karmic entanglement. We need to love Self more than the need for any relationship. You are having a relationship with You first. We need to be in a strong healthy relationship with Self in order to be healthy with another. The Age of Aquarius is the age of twin flames and soul mates coming together in love to anchor in our Golden Age. In truth, we are the forerunners of this Great Golden Age dawning. Karmic relationships are 3D egoic right fighting with an addiction to drama. They will not be around in the Age of Aquarius. We must become Self-masters and evolve into soul mate relationships. Saturn moving through Libra (relationships) until 2012 will be examining all of our relationship choices. Saturn rules integrity. If we are not with our true love we may be getting a divorce. If you know of many folks breaking up now it is a positive. This is not a negative for we need to be free to be in the new energy of healthy relationships. Fourth dimensional or quantum relationships are based on real intimacy, commitment, passion and allowing each person to be who-they-really-are.
Are you a ‘damsel in distress’?
“Some Lightworkers are behaving like a lady in waiting for their knight in shining armor to return from the Crusades and rescue them. The knight in shining armor may take the form of a soul mate, the government or even benevolent ET’s. In this incarnation we agreed to become our own savior, to willingly relinquish the familiar and comfortable role of victim with no responsibility that keeps our ego feeling safe.
As old souls, we volunteered to be role models for self-mastery and ascension, by healing our karmic past, standing in our Power, and being willing to step onto the world stage and make a difference in our chosen role as masters. Sabotaged by their ego’s fear-based conditioning and attached by an umbilical cord to the mass consciousness of fear, some Lightworkers will settle for an old knight in rusty armor riding a donkey just to feel safe and avoid fulfilling their soul agreement to be the master teachers, healers and leaders of our time..”-Tips for Transformation, Claudia Coleman
Have you been hiding your light in mediocre relationship? I know that thriving in uncertainty is not the most attractive offering as of late. However, it is what the universe is serving up. We must be willing to change our thinking, beliefs and practices to be at our best. 2010 will be a year of change and unpredictability, your success will be determined by your ability to be flexible and adaptable to changeful conditions.
If we are too rigid we will break in this new energy.
Practice being flexible
Practice being adaptable
Practice being mutable
Practice being grounded
Let go of Control
Flow with the Changes
Celebrate Change
So you can be:
Thriving in Transition
Thriving in Uncertainty
Thriving in Transformation
My interactive coaching CD was designed to help you achieve the above. Thriving
Sobering Saturn and renovating Pluto have just finished their second pass hitting the reset button on our lives. Forcing us to focus on what is truly valuable to our life path. Including, releasing that which no longer serves you, as you know, resistance is futile for change is inevitable. Patience and perseverance will pay off in the end, as the need to adjust our expectations becomes apparent. I have noticed that I am more fatigued. We are moving into higher dimension 4D and we have this intense astrology. The Shift is taking a toll on our physical bodies. These energetic transitions are causing ailments, sleep disorders, irritability, anxiety, and exhaustion I can’t push myself even if I want too. Get the rest you need be gentle with you. I work out at the gym, it helps me tremendously building strength, flexibility and releasing toxins.
Balance Is The Key to All Successful Relationships
The Universe works in a constant flow of figure eight energy. Giving and receiving equally.
All successful relationships are balanced in giving and receiving equally. It is not about the journey or event (getting with your twin flame of soul mate) it is about your process of growth and self-mastery.
Remember that the biggest relationship and the longest relationship you will have is with Self. If we are not healthy with Self we cannot be healthy with our true mate. Self mastery is the key to being united with your twin flame. The more Self-mastery you garner, the greater you’re light will be to elevate your twin flame up and out of his/her ego illusions of materialism, lesser relationships, distractions, etc and into their Divine Awakening to their True Self, True Purpose on Gaia and Original True Love (you).
The Age of Aquarius is the Age of twin flames and soul mates. That is why the collective negative forces want to sabotage the divine lovers and keep them apart. The power of true love to heal our economy, planet and people comes from twin flames and soul mates united in purpose. If we had a larger group of soul mates and twin flames joined today. We would wonder where all the problems we are facing had gone? Instead, we would be basking in the Sun of our dawning age of love, freedom and truth. “Develop your own following. Support everything you do and admire your efforts and actions. Your dedication to Self encourages you. Your belief in Self steadies you. Your trust in Self honors you. Everything you need, you can give to you. It is yours.”-Ivo/Lisa Dorr
Happy Valentine’s Day! Big hugs and kisses.
L OVE, Kelley