(channeling Natalie Glason)
The 09/09/09
energy is extremely powerful, its teachings are simple but will anchor into your life new challenges to allow you to anchor a new level of unconditional love and an understanding of how to act and exist as unconditional love. It will assist you in receiving challenges that increase your confidence and courage in accepting guidance, energy and consciousness, thus awakening you further, but it will also activate a powerful healing process. This healing process will allow you to accept cleansing energies but will predominantly place you in control of your own healing and rejuvenation process as you will have to identify the energies in your life that are no longer needed, holding the attention of releasing them eternally, free from regret doubt or fear. In truth through this teaching you will access a new level of mastery from within your being.
It is essential to understanding the lessons and teachings that the new energy wave may bring forth to you but it is important to realise that because each person is achieving different goals and holds varied vibrations of light while in existence on the Earth, every person will experience the energy and quality of the Energy Wave of Acceptance in diverse ways and forms. It is important for you to ask your soul what the new energy wave means to you and how it may influence your reality as this will help you to prepare for the new energies of love that will be anchored into all aspects of your being and reality on the Earth.
voor de nederlandse vertaling , eventjes geduld!!