Sometimes a flash comes into my mind,
A memory of long gone times far away.
Not this century,
Not even this time.
It was a different time,
No distractions were seen in your eyes.
We were there standing at the sea,
Our feets calmly touching the sand near the water.
Today I see who you are now.
Today I can't help still seeing you as you were,
You're are the same for me,
But different at the same moment.
I cant help my feelings telling me what you mean to me,
I still remember our journeys in the past.
We have gone very far in every life,
Our pasts are conected as an universal law.
Still we ended up right here and right now,
Two worlds very apart from eachother.
Even when I see you there's no real connection,
How confused does that make me feel?
I really wonder when I find you there,
The place where we are supposed to be.
I am trying to figure this out,
Finding the right place and the right time to connect.
Today I see you drifting,
Seeking out for new adventures.
Trying out old habbits and discovering new ones.
You are just doing your thing.
At these times I just remember the Sand, Water and the Moon.
Gently touching the sand and looking into your eyes.
I know your eyes haven't changed a thing,
I would recognize them at the far end of the galaxy.
I really hope that one day all the pieces will fit,
That our journey has reached its goal.
That the beach is as real as it can get,
And the sand is no longer a vague memory of lost times.
I am counting down the days when I will find you there,
It's just the place where I really like to be.
Is it a vision or a dream?
Is it real or just a memory?
I know it is real,
I feel it is real.
Do you know if it is real?
Do you even feel if it's real?
I don't know and I won't ask,
I trust you when the day is there.
You will just look into my eyes,
And I will feel the sand below my feet.
We have no more worries about our daily lives,
We just stand there saying nothing.
Feeling that we are finally there,
No more need for words or thoughts.