

Ayasha jul 20 '07
Op het engelse deel van Merudi heeft steff het onderwerp Dreamwalking geopend. Vond het bijzonder interessant omdat ik de mogelijkheid tot wel bezit, maar nog niet helemaal onder controle heb. Ik laat het Steff even uitleggen;

I have been able to dream walk since I was a young child. I didnt know how it was done properly till I was a teenager. My uncle is a medicine man, who walks frequently in my dreams when I am in trouble or struggling. I have mastered dream walking. Alot of my dream walking expereinces come from people who are close to me that are in need in their dreams. So while I am sleeping I feel them calling me, then I enter their dream. Sometimes the other person is aware of me being there but most times they dont

I would have to say yes it is like an out of body experience. I see everything you are dreaming as if I was part of your dream. Not only do I see what your dreaming but I feel the emotions of the person I am dream walking. Which can take alot out of a person if you dont know how to do it properly. Just like I have friends who dont know it but have dream walked into my dreams and have left me feeling so drained the next day. Its very emotionally demanding on a person, so you have to be very strong minded and stable when doing dream walking.

Some may say its invading of privacy but I never use my ability to hurt someone or use what I learn against them. Most times, I am drawn to the person but as an out cry for help. Its truly a very interesting experience but one that shouldnt be taken lightly.

Yes, it can. You can (if strong enough) influence someones decisions. You speak to them on a sub conscience level. The true purpose of dream walking is to help someone when they call you. Or if you know they are having troubles. You walk in their dreams only to help them deal with what they need to deal with. To feel your presense but not really know its you. You have to understand you feel their feelings. If they are scared you will feel it. It takes a real strong person to realise this. You also could get caught up in the dream thinking its real. Its not easy thing to do nor should it be done lightly or for fun. It is wrong to do it for selfish reasons.

denk dat dit zo'n beetje de meest verklarende quotes zijn :)

Zijn er (nog) nederlandse droomwandelaars?
linkie jul 22 '07
Ik ben geen bewuste droomwandelaar zoals hierboven wordt omschreven. Ik heb wel eens meegemaakt dat mijn man en ik op een nacht dezelfde droom hebben gehad waar we beide in voor kwamen en dit ons beide s'morgen konden herinneren. Dit zou opzich ook zoiets kunnen zijn, alleen jammer dat ik de strekking van die droom niet meer weet.

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