Well, there are lots of ways...energy is alot like water so it is very sensitive to vibrations. Without going all mumbo jumbo I will first say that creating an affirmation would be a good start...try this...
"I release all blockages from within and without my aura. My aura is now whole, strengthened and healed"
Everytime you speak, those vibrations run through out your entire body even down to the trillions of cells and the atoms within them. The mind gives off a small piezoelectric charge whenever you think...That said if you repeat this one to three times aday and truly believe it, then all of your subtle bodies will conform to make your statement the new reality.
Don't doubt the power you have over your body...why wouldn't your energy bodies listen to you? They exist because of you so you can believe that when you call they will respond.
Next to affirmations you can use visualization to assist in self-healing. A method you can use is the 'auric shower' or as I like to call it the 'auric tornado'. Relax yourself after taking a shower and as you slowly enter a calm state of mind (no-thoughts is not necessary). Bring your attention above your head and focus on the immense, unimaginable, love and power of the Creator that created you....Feel it as bright and as powerful as trillions of white suns...feel the unending love and forgiveness.
Once you have that feeling visualise all that is the Creator who created you, pulsing down in a spiral of crystal white light and every color of the rainbow. Feel the love and raw intensity and know this comes from the highest level of God. Let this swirling energy beam down onto you like a flaming tornado and let it enrapture you... feel every color as they swirl within and without your aura...blasting away etheric debris, cords, nets, and attachments to allow your natural energy to flow.
Each time you perfom this your aura is stronger, brighter, more impenetrable than before. It is full of pure love and innocent truth...untouchable because of its light. This is a method I use to give myself an energy bath every so often and its good for cleaning chakras as well.
It is also good to make sure that you look around at the people you interact with. Sometimes painful emotions and experiences can halt the natural flow of our subtle bodies. If you have been giving too much energy to someone or something and it has not been for their highest good, then you should stop and seek resolution or even ask their higher self for resolution and make peace. You can even visualize this and it will work because the resolution or forgiveness returns your personal power back to you and heals you from the physical body on up.
During these times it is important to stay grounded and close to mother earth. Our power may be advancing as we near the ascension point but we are still like babies...were it not for the planets many energy fields we would not be able to handle the influx of energies in the smooth way we have thus far. That said I would also encourage you to spent some time outside. Just sitting and feeling and watching. You can even listen to music if you want, the point is to enjoy it. Being outdoors balances the connections in the nervous system and returns their natural equilibrium...if this aura block is due to unbalancing and not being grounded then this will also do the trick.
As the leaves and birds and insects to help you repair your aura... I learned from a great healer that hugging trees helps to expand the aura...maybe thats why kids always love hugging trees and playing around them.
If your aura is being actively attacked by something or someone...a powerful visualization is to draw the five point star (the upright pentagram) with your third eye in flaming blue. After drawing it over your third eye you can draw a larger one surrounding you and remember that its there. The five point star is powerful because it symbolizes the union of the four great elements of our planet and the center which is the secret fifth is the spirt. Anything going against the star is going against the symbol of creation itself...its not invicible, but it can be if you believe in the power of believing in yourself.
Another mode of protection if you think your aura is actively being attacked is to visualize an impenetrable egg around yourself which also surrounds your energy bodies. Line this egg with kevlar (a material used in making bullet proof jackets) and fill it with the powerful love, forgiveness and caring of the creator that created you here for your highest good and remember this egg around you at all times. This is your impenetrable luminous egg and it surrounds even your aura and travels with you when you dream so you cannot be harmed by even those negative beings you may encounter.
It deflects the negativity from other people around you, it does not let even the smallest form trickle in. I have my protection bubble up all the time and you will be amazed as you start to feel stronger and notice that others gravitate towards you because you are constantly filled in your bubble with Creator's love and power. This is an absolutely priceless spiritual technique but its not so forbbidden that I can't share it with you, others have similar techniques.
Everyone has spiritual guidance and assistance behind them. Even ancestors and elders from long ago...Call on them and ask them for assistance in healing. You can add this as an affirmation...
"I humbly invoke the assistance of my spiritual guides and ancient elders to grant me healing and protection in the name of the Creator that created me here for my highest good."
As you say this feel all the ancient healers of your many lifetimes that you may have met or may have been friends or family to and feel them surrounding you and imparting to you wisdom, courage and self love.
Many times if one has a blockage or a leak of energy it is multi-faceted. Something has happened physically, perhaps an event, or a situation, something has happened mentally, meaning the event led to a type of self weakening thought or action, something has happened emotionally, meaning you have agreed to let the idea or event affect you negatively, and lastly spiritually you have forgotten something important about yourself and who you really are.
Sometimes it is good to write down in each category how we feel the block came to be and if we are brutally honest we can find out where the wound is and heal it by telling ourselves the truth about it.
Its alot of things I know ,but if you do all of these or even one of these such as creating the protection bubble...You will heal your energy block and be stronger in the end.