When you fly you must land somewhere,
The destination is unknown,
But I will follow.
The journey already is very exciting.
Who thougt that the sky wasn't the limit,
That we will go beyond the sky.
Visit the stars,
Say hi to angels.
Angels from the sky are following us,
They are also very curious.
Where are we going?
Where does this journey end?
No-one really knows,
A mystery without a plan.
There is no map to guide us.
We can only feel our directions.
Are we heading up?
Are we heading down?
I only know:
We are heading forward.
This is the real direction for all that is.
The real way to see it all.
Flying with the angels.
They for sure will follow us.
Exciting times have just been started,
A runway is in front of us.
There is only one thing left to do:
Just take-off and fly.
Never forget who you are,
Never forget who you really love.
These rules will break,
The moment you start to fly.
Only fear is blocking the runway,
The fear for letting go:
Letting go who you are,
Letting go who you really love.....
Dit gedicht kwam net spontaan in me op. Veel plezier met lezen.