
The Energies for December 2008

JulienMoorrees dec 4 '08
The Full Moon will fall on the 12th of December, and will be in Gemini with the Sun in Sagittarius. As we have already noted, this is an ideal time to celebrate the energies of the Twin Flame and the Sacred Union within. It will also be a good time for attracting that Love in its manifestation as a relationship or partner if that is your desire. The seeds may be sown at this powerful time of Love and Union, and the desire itself will bring an expression of the reality when the time is right!

The Solstice will fall on the 21st of December, and this will be the Winter Solstice in the North and the Summer Solstice in the South. Again, a time of powerful alignments with the Divine Feminine energy and the energy of Sacred Union within.

The 25th of December is the traditional Festival of the Birth of Christ, and as Lightworkers it can be a good time to celebrate the birthing of the Light of Christ Consciousness through the coming of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene to hold the Golden Star of Sacred Union and the imprint that "Star" as a Template for Sacred Marriage within the Energy Field of the Planet. For indeed, the Golden "Star" that guided the Mages to Bethlehem was the Golden Star of Sacred Union created by the Sacred Union of those two Gold Ray Souls as Twin Flames within the Etheric Field of the Planet.

The Sun moves into Capricorn on the 22nd of December, and many of the planets will pass through Capricorn in December. There is now a general shift of focus from Sagittarius, the house of Spiritual Fire, to Capricorn, the house of the manifestation of Earth wisdom and leadership. The Planet of Transformation, Pluto, passes into Capricorn now, and will not transit back into Sagittarius again. That cycle is over and complete, the new cycle is about the manifestation of the New Reality on the Planet.

The New Moon in Capricorn on the 27th of December will be an ideal time to consider the "seeds" for the next cycle of Manifestation and Adventure that begins in 2009!

Bron: Starchild newsbrief via e-mail.

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